
Conference Organizations

The International Institution for Micro Manufacturing aims to promote dialogue among university, industry, and government communities to advance the science, technology, and practice of micromanufacturing.

President: Joško Valentinčič (University of Ljubljana, Slovenia)

4M was established as a Network of Excellence under the European Framework Program 6 (FP6) to develop Micro- and Nano-Technology (MNT) for the batch-manufacture of micro-components and devices in a variety of materials for future microsystems products. The Network aimed to act as a knowledge resource to the research community and the industry in developing microsystems devices that provide new, enhanced, and multi-functionality in tiny packages, integrating micro and nanoscale features and properties into products and systems.

President: Stefan Dimov (University of Birmingham, UK)

The main objective of IFMM is to bring together the possibilities from academic research and the needs of industries as much as possible. This forum consists of paper sessions, group discussions, a panel discussion, and a symposium for matching state-of-the-art technologies and needs. The exhibition of the achievement of industrial products is also planned to encourage the participants to touch concrete shapes and functions. In addition to seeking practical users, a purely scientific approach is also welcome in the paper sessions to understand various technological fields.

President: Kuniaki Dohda (Northwestern University, USA)

Hosting Organizations

Thai Tribology Association (TTA) National Metal and Materials Technology Center (MTEC) King Mongkut’s University of Technology North Bangkok (KMUTNB) King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi (KMUTT)

Partner Organizations

Thai Corrosion of Metals and Materials Association (TCMA) Thailand Electroplating Industrial Network Association (TEPNET)

Sponsoring Organizations

The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers (JSME) The Japan society for precision engineering (JSPE)