
1Innovation for the Building Materials Industry Towards Sustainability _x000D_
November 18, 2020
Participants from industry3030
2Green Technology and Circular Economy_x000D_
December 17, 2020
Participants from industry, government and academic176176
3Design and Engineering Service for Large Vehicle Safety_x000D_
March 26, 2021
Participants from industry and government 3030
4Design Guideline for Side and Rear Underrun Protection for Heavy Goods Vehicles_x000D_
March 26, 2021
Participants from industry and government3030
5NSTDA Annual Conference 2021 (NAC2021): Impactful Empathetic Design and Examples of Its Application for Healthcare Innovation Development_x000D_
March 30, 2021
Participants from industry, government and academic28782878
6Designing Plastic Products in Circular Economy_x000D_
June 1, 2, 9, 10, 16 and 23, 2021
Participants from industry, government and academic2121272
7Design and Safety Evaluation of Large Bus Structure Using CAE in Rollover Test_x000D_
June 10, 2021
Participants from industry and government7777
8Data Collection and Failure Analysis of Steel Rails _x000D_
June 28-29, 2021
Participants from industry and government186372
9Implementation of the Patient Isola+A2tion and Transportation Chamber "PETE" _x000D_
June 30, 2021
Participants from industry1515
10Materials Thailand 2021: 12th Asian Meetings on Ferroelectrics (AMF) & 12th the Asian Meeting on Electroceramics (AMEC)_x000D_
July 7-9, 2021
Participants from industry, government and academic265795
11Working as a Team within Time, Budget, and Limited Personnel Under Emergency _x000D_
July 19, 2021
Participants from industry, government and academic5353
122021 chemSHERPA Online Seminar for Managers in Thailand _x000D_
August 24, 2021
Participants from industry and government7777
132021 chemSHERPA Online Workshop for users in Thailand _x000D_
September 3, 2021
Participants from industry and government6161
14Innovative Planting Bag "Magik Growth" for Farmer Productivity_x000D_
September 24, 2021
Participants from industry and agriculture123123
152021 chemSHERPA Online Workshop for Trainers in Thailand_x000D_
September 28, 2021
Participants from industry and government3939

Awareness-raising activities for the youth

1National Science and Technology Fair 2020 "Para Foam"
November 13-23, 2020
2Integrated Materials Science Camp "Para Grip" for GATE Program Suankularb Wittayalai School
December 3, 2020
3NSTDA Annual Conference 2021 (NAC2021): Save the World by Origami
March 29, 2021
4Summer Training Program for Senior High School Students
April 27-May 11, 2021
5The 13th Robot Design Camp (RDC 2021)
July 12-23, 2021
6International Design Contest 2021 (IDC RoBoCon 2021)
August 2-7, 2021
7Clip VDO "Save the World by Oragami" Contest
July 31-August 16, 2021