Public Training

1Materials science and engineering knowledge with case studies_x000D_
October 8-9, 2020
General participant2448
2Electrically conductive polymers and composites_x000D_
October 16, 2020
General participant1616
3Hardening of automotive and machine parts_x000D_
October 20-21, 2020
General participant2244
4Finite element analysis and computational fluid dynamics with case studies_x000D_
November 5-6, 2020
General participant1224
5Twin-screw extrusion for polymer compounding_x000D_
November 18, 2020
General participant2020
6Robot/Automation and innovation in adaptive way of Thai SMEs_x000D_
November 18, 2020
General participant6969
7Application of research and development for the aluminum casting process_x000D_
November 18, 2020
General participant3232
8Testing of rubber compound and vulcanizate_x000D_
December 16, 2020
General participant1010
9Aluminium foam manufacture technology_x000D_
December 17, 2020
General participant77
10Applied industrial machinery lubrication tribology for breakdown reduction, life extension & prductivity improvement_x000D_
March 5, 2021
General participant2222
11Finite Element Analysis of Structural and Heat Transfer Problems with Ansys_x000D_
March 25-26, 2021
General participant1224
12High pressure die casting process technology_x000D_
April 1-2, 2021
General participant1530
13A study on bus structure design in compliance with safety regulations for public-transport operators and bus manufacturers in Thailand_x000D_
June 10, 2021
General participant9898
14Basic of corrosion analysis_x000D_
June 21, 2021
General participant2424
15Die Materials and Coating Selection_x000D_
June 30, 2021
General participant1515
16Digital readiness for everyone_x000D_
July 9, 2021
General participant5757
17Lube and transformer oils_x000D_
August 10-11, 2021
General participant1326
18Moving on with Science , Technology and Innovation in the new normal living through the decade._x000D_
August 17, 2021
General participant7676
19The future of healthcare and healthcare for the future_x000D_
August 24, 2021
General participant3838
20Teachers' role for new learning after COVID-19_x000D_
August 26, 2021
General participant5050
21Hardening of automotive and machine parts_x000D_
September 9-10, 2021
General participant1734
22Review of technology advances that can help jump start businesses after covid-19_x000D_
September 22, 2021
General participant4949

In-house Training

1High pressure die casting process technology
October 16-17, 2020
Participants from industry4182
2Adhesion and surface treatment of plastics
November 10, 2020
Participants from industry99
3Workshop and field study on evaluating of eco-efficiency for expressway authority of Thailand
November 30, 2020-December 01, 2020
Participants from industry110220
November 18, 2020-December 24, 2020
Participants from industry570
5PVC Injection molding
September 7, 2020-December 11, 2020
Participants from industry10150
6Plastics materials and plastics processing technology
August 17, 2020-December 18, 2020
Participants from industry585
7Design and study of suitable properties of ready-to-eat plastic containers under chilling, freezing and microwave heating conditions including the upskilling training of employees
July 2, 2020-January 28, 2021
Participants from industry22198
8Thermal Spray and Improving the quality of the coating
March 15, 2021
Participants from industry3535
9High pressure die casting process technology
March 18-19, 2021
Participants from industry3060
10Pin-on-disk wear testing for compressor materials
May 18, 2020-March 17, 2021
Participants from industry540
11Fundamental of materials and failure analysis of the stranded wire steel
April 27, 2021
Participants from industry2828
12Awareness of global regulations on chemical safety and environmental performances of products
August 6, 2021
Participants from industry5454