No.Project Value (million bath)
1Effects of sintering atmosphere on properties of ST-Nut815.62
2Evaluation of product defects/imperfections/contaminants and technical consulting service340.46
3Quality development of concentrated natural rubber latex safe from chemicals and allergens309.64
4Innovative and sustainable packaging for Thai fresh produce industry: Equilibrium Modified Atmosphere (EMA-3) film for pre-cut vegetables in retail packaging for supermarket237.4
5Carbon material for Li-ion battery and supercapacitor223.63
6Study of flow behavior of high-density polyethylene compounds in an annular die212.75
7Defining and improving rubber product standards (rubber gloves)205.18
8Study of anchor alignment on kiln outlet area172.48
9Training on materials technology98.55
10Technology transfer for the manufacturing of cable spacer and snap tie94.67
11Analysis of weld strength of steam turbine rotor86.4
12Prototype of mattress for a bedridden person84.14
13Precision casting75
14Enhance the capability of injection molding for industries 64.71
15Investigation of structural integrity of a piping system under thermal stress loading63.7
16An investigation of cation conductivity of boiler feedwater and steam 46.46
17Study of flow behavior of high-density polyethylene in extrusion blow molding41.4
18Development and improvement of grate in boiler combustion chamber 36.64
19Development of localized antibiotic released beads for bone and joint infection treatment 35.83
20Development of test kits25.8
21PETE – Patient isolation and transportation chamber22.08
22Preparation and development of design and manufacturing of Stay Side Step parts for pickup trucks with plastic substitutes20.77
23Type tests of HDPE cable spacer with iron hook29.5
24Crashworthiness analysis of electric tricycle16.3
25Assembly and testing of electrolytes 15.98
26Analysis of weld strength of steam turbine rotor15.9
27Multi-center clinical trial of silicone15.18
28Assembly of stack cell14.96
29The effects of process parameters on evolutions of microstructures and textures for extrusion processing of copper target sputtering13.6
30Reinforced superstructure design of ambulance van patient compartment12.44
31Prototype development of endoscope drying cabinet with humidity and time controller11.93
32Chemical improvement of carbon black surface for screen printing ink production11.48
33Positioner equipment for shoulder arthroscopy10.86
34The production of PM 2.5 preventing and filtering viruses maskNo.34-48 = 23.42
35Medical devices developing for urgently response to the COVID-19 situation
36Project to enhance design and development of plastic injection mold for motorcycle parts
37The industrial scale production process prototype development of beta-glucan oligosaccharide by Ophiocordyceps dipterigena BCC2073 and its efficacy test for immune enhance in human and animal.
38Technology transfer of rubber-recovering technology for natural rubber latex sludge
39Development of mobile CT for craniofacial and maxillofacial surgery (software)
40Development of the production network of the custom-made shoe for the elderly
41Modeling and software development
42Development of the production network of the motorized attachment for manual wheelchair
43Development of mini computed tomography (MiniCT) scanner for localize lesion and assessment of the margin width of resected specimen in the operating room (software)
44Project to design and develoment of plastic injection mold for packaging and car accessories
45Project to enhance the capability of injection molding for industries
46Scale-up technology of ENZease production and formulation for one-step desizing and scouring process of cotton fabric
47Building a water reservoir using low toxic natural rubber sheets
48Design and development of plastic injection mold for household product parts