Salee Colour Public Company Limited
Stakeholder Interview
Salee Colour Public Company Limited is a company in the plastic processing industry that operates its business in designing and producing a high concentration color and additive masterbatch, ready-to-use compounds, and dry colorants. Over the past two decades, the company has developed its personnel to increase their knowledge, skills, and experience in the production and development of products to ensure customer satisfaction and the expansion of both domestic and international markets.
Mr. Peerapun Chivapornthip, Managing Director of Salee Colour Public Company Limited, recalled that Thailand is the world’s largest plastic producer and exporter. Therefore, the company’s management team has set up a long-term strategy to expand its business to product application in the segment with growth potentials, such as alternative energy, construction, medical, agriculture, and food industries.
Three years ago, Mr. Peerapun Chivapornthip had been informed via email that NSTDA would be hosting NSTDA Investors’ Day 2019 (NID2019). He was interested in a seminar topic on agriculture which aligned with the company’s strategy. Moreover, Mr. Peerapun Chivapornthip realized that his team already knew Dr. Natthaphop Suwannamek, Researcher of Textiles Research Team, Advanced Polymer Technology Research Group of MTEC, because he was a customer who bought the company’s raw materials to use in the prototype production. Hence, they met at NSTDA Investors’ Day 2019 to discuss the concept of an innovative product called Magik Growth, which the company could see the commercialization possibility. This was the beginning of collaboration and technology transfer.
After signing a contract with MTEC, Dr. Natthaphop supported the company in many ways, such as disclosing the Magik Growth formulas and properties, revealing experimental results, bringing the results to farmers, and providing them with the use and benefits of Magik Growth to build their confidence. Using Magik Growth is worthwhile because it helps improve not only the quality of the crops but also reduces the overall cost. The produced could be sold at high price due to its attractive appearance.
As the company’s role in the value chain, Mr. Peerapun Chivapornthip said that the company is a manufacturer of raw materials, such as pigments and plastic pellets mixed with ready-made additives. Then, the company delivers them to its customers to produce as non-woven fabrics (non-woven) and later deliver to outsource companies to sew bags. As for the distribution, there are two channels: direct sales and saling through agents who sell agricultural materials.
Agribusiness is a new application area for the company, therefore its operation has a different scheme. Most of the company’s traditional operations have been carried out according to customers’ needs because each market is quite specific. However, Magik Growth is a new product with no current demand to support it.
Mr. Peerapun Chivapornthip said there was concern at the beginning because the company had no experience in selling agricultural products and had no support from agricultural experts. However, once the company started collaborating with MTEC, it received assistance from MTEC researchers, including farmers who participated in the experimental plots affiliated with the MTEC network.
The company would like to have more research results related to various agricultural products instead of focusing on one type, e.g., mangoes, thus it now acquires information on melon and most recently durian or flowers, as well as exported orchids. The company, therefore, needs a network to participate in the experimental conversion. Mr. Peerapun Chivapornthip said it was a coincidence that MTEC knew about the durian plantation in Rayong, so the company could experiment there. Having more partners or people interested is like having a needed jigsaw piece that helps complete the picture, allowing the company to move on faster.
As for Magik Growth products, the first expectation is to be well-known in agribusiness, which would help the company to grow faster. The company currently has more data, partners, customers, and research results. Another expectation is more widespread use, i.e. increasing the use area and the number of farmer households using the product. However, the company had exceeded its expectations.
The company continues monitoring the progress of research and innovation. However, the sale volume in the market might decrease due to high competition. Further collaboration should exist if MTEC has research that matches the company’s direction and strategy.
Mr. Peerapun Chivapornthip said that in the case of Magik Growth, if he didn’t receive the email, this collaboration might not happen. An effective communication, therefore, is crucial. If MTEC adds more channels to allow people to access it quickly, it will help spread the news of its research. Nowsaday, one have to deliver the information to their recipients instead of expecting them them to find it by themselves.
Furthermore, building a network of business alliances is also vital in assisting research commercialization because the private sector might be interested in the research but does not know how to proceed. Some people are good at producing but not good at selling, or some are good at selling but can’t deliver the research value-added. The government agencies, therefore, may need to help connect the chain.

Miss Nuannapha Charoenruay, the owner of Nuannapha Durian Orchard, Klaeng District, Rayong Province, who has experience in durian gardening for about 10 years said that about 3 years ago, she stopped using chemicals to prevent diseases and insects, however, the production damage exceeds the expectation. Later, she adapted the idea of using a blue net bag for wrapping jackfruit to durian, which the results are satisfactory.
However, using the blue net bag has drawbacks because unpacking the bags to expose the durian fruit to the sun a week before harvesting is difficult and time-consuming. Later, when she received advice from Assist. Prof. Dr. Lampan Khurnpoon to try the Magik Growth wrapped bag, she found that unpacking the bag was much more accessible.
Lastly, suppose you compare the packaging of durian fruit with the use of chemicals. it is found that wrapping reduces costs, increases the quality of the production to meet the target and customer confidence, helps farmers to be safe from chemicals, makes the management more manageable, provides a better quality of life, and creates sustainability for a gardening career in the future.