Neo Factory Co., Ltd.

Ms. Nitchamon Thakolsri, Deputy Chief Executive Officer-Business Innovation Neo Factory Co., Ltd.

Neo Factory was established in 1989 to be a leading Thai consumer goods manufacturer.  Over the years, Neo Corporation PCL’s fruitful collaboration with Neo Factory has resulted in relentless R&D and high-caliber products.  Neo Factory is committed to raising the quality of life of all customers, making every day blissful with its well-known and trusted  brands, including Fineline, D-nee, BeNice, TROS, Eversense, Vivite, Smart, and Tomi.

Our storied history began with the passion to produce high-quality Thai roll-ons and cologne at an affordable price, on par with global standards.  We later expanded to toiletries and household products to fulfill customer expectations and become an essential part of their life.  We are committed to pioneering a greener and more socially responsible future, which is why we have made sustainability an integral part of our core operations.     

As Neo Factory’s Deputy CEO of Business Innovation, Ms. Nitchamon Thakolsri said, we value quality and safety in our relentless pursuit of customer satisfaction.  We promote research and development to serve increasingly complex formulations, ensuring that every launched product undergoes rigorous new product development practices, including market research, opinion surveys, trial sampling, and grueling technical tests.

“Since our products come into direct contact with the skin, it is vital that we conduct allergy tests to ensure safety in humans before they enter the production and marketing phases,”  Ms. Nitchamon reiterated, emphasizing our commitment to diverse R&D and  making a positive contribution to society with both high-quality products and brand recognition.

Ms. Nitchamon gave a classic and noteworthy example of talcum powder, which has been in the news recently due to its potential to contain carcinogenic asbestos. Upon learning that our supplier sent a sample of talcum powder to the MTEC laboratory for testing, we decided to investigate the laboratory’s testing capabilities and service scope in the hope of strenghthening our selling proposition.  Since then, MTEC has continuously provided our company with professional testing services, including the recent 28-day  compostability test of our detergent products, which showed no threat to the environment.

When asked about the company’s environmental vision, Nitchamon elaborated on the importance and using MTEC’s testing services, stating:

“We are deeply committed to environmental preservation, and we have initiated the  ‘Save The World’ project to innovate an excellent environmentally friendly detergent product with water-compostable capability. Neo Factory has prioritized the sustainable choice from the outset, encouraging the sourcing of degradable raw materials and stringently controlling manufacturing processes to ensure quality assurance.  Finally, to confirm that our environmentally friendly detergents do not release harmful residue into the environment, we seek compostability testing services from a reliable laboratory, MTEC, which is accredited with ISO 17025 and DIN CERTCO. This accreditation demonstrates that MTEC’s laboratories meet the highest international standards. MTEC’s sophisticated equipment, competent researchers, and beneficial technical counsel have instilled in us confidence in its comprehensive, high-quality, safe, and productive services.

Regarding biodegradability testing, Ms. Nitchamon recommends that “the company seize the opportunity to improve and create successful products that meet world-class standards.  While MTEC has the necessary equipment to meet our requirements, the limited availability of its laboratories could be improved. Five samples per testing lot are sometimes insufficient for our company, so enhancing the laboratories’ performance would benefit both of us in staying ahead in the fast-paced scientific world.  However, overall, MTEC’s services and accountability have been satisfactory.  MTEC’s systematic staff and on-schedule obligation simplify our planning, while qualified researchers provide effective solutions to any problems that arise, ensuring timely and high-quality deliverables.

Neo Factory’s strong commitment to advanced innovation and technology is  exemplified by Ms. Nitchamon’s reiteration of the company’s commitment to enhancing the quality of life and making every day blissful for all customers.  The company looks forward to  collaborating with MTEC in R&D to improve the development and creation of new and quality products through cooperation and guidance, especially in the field of testing. Finally, the company looks forward to the opportunity to conduct an on-site visit at MTEC.

“Finally, we are inspired to make green choices for our products that adhere to our corporate policies.  As urban sprawl encroaches on our factory, we are increasingly aware of our  CSR responsibilities to the surrounding community.  Our initiatives include adopting solar energy, wastewater treatment and water recycling, microplastic content reduction, and CSR activities for zero waste”, Ms. Nitchamon concluded.

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