Advanced Polymer Technology Research Group
Our mission is to enhance technology adoptions & innovations of Thai polymer-related industries, especially plastics, textiles and agro- & food industries through application-oriented research activities. The activities include in-house & contract research works, technical services, consultancy, technology transfers and strategic collaborations.
Our research works aim to achieve necessary fundamental knowledge, technology and commercial prototypes for the Thai industrial sectors. Agriculture and food are of our current interests. We also carried out in-house research to establish knowledge and continually develop R&D staff skills. Our current research focuses are synthesis of functional polymers and organic materials; development of functional films, fibers and nonwoven and biodegradable plastic processing. Moreover, technology on natural dyes have been developed and transferred to local communities across the county and applications of rheology and extrusion technology in food structure design are now being extensively explored.
Mr. Chanit Wanikanukul
Industrial and Business Liaison Section
Business Development Division
Tel. +66 2564 6500 ext. 4788
Research Teams in Advanced Polymer Technology Research Group