Use of knowledges in materials science, design and engineering to solve problems in the plastics industry.

Use of Knowledges in Materials Science, Design and Engineering
to Solve Problems in the Plastics Industry.
Enhancing the plastics industry’s competitiveness is essential. MTEC emphasizes on research and development (R&D) through building industrial knowledge of human resources related to development of production process, and design for cost reduction. The activities encompass an effective improvement for working processes, including development on innovative products and materials.
MTEC provides one-stop consultancy services to solve problems in the plastics industry.
MTEC researchers have expertise in these thematic areas:
– Polymer materials: Perform reverse engineering in order to enhance material properties with comparable or lower costs.
– Design components and moulds: Use computer-aided engineering (CAE) to analyze and simulate the forming processes.
– Forming processes: Study appropriate conditions in material forming both in laboratory and industrial scales in order to attain the products that best fit the needs.
Research team’s potential
– Improve the industrial personnel’s knowledge of both theory and practice with easy-to-understand lessons.
– Develop new materials and/or improve the current materials.
– Design the components and molds suitable for the products.
– Develop innovative forming processes or eliminate inefficiency from the current processes.
– Have ready-to-use equipment when needed.
Results from consultancy services
– Industrial personnel gain a better knowledge of their industry with more problem-solving skills.
– The working process has been expedited.
– The industrial waste has been decreased.
– The costs have been reduced.
Research Trend
– Lower the production costs.
– Add value to plastic waste while reducing impacts on the environment.
– Develop lightweight plastic components, especially in automotive industry.
Miss Saitip Soratana, Analyst, Business Development Division
Tel: 02 564 6500 ext. 4786