Oral & Poster Presentation Instructions

Oral Presentation Instructions

Oral presenters will have 15 minutes (12 min talk + 3 min Q&A) for regular presentations, 30 minutes (25 min talk + 5 min Q&A) for invited presentations and 40 minutes talk for plenary presentations.

Poster Presentation Instructions

  1. The poster session will be on 29 August 2022, 15:00 – 16:30, GMT+7 time zone.
  2. Each poster presentation will be provided with a virtual meeting room to facilitate the fruitful-discussion atmosphere of poster presentation. Each meeting room will be assigned with a poster code (for example BIO-P-020, CER-P-012, etc.). The poster code can be found in poster presentation page. At poster presentation session, please enter the room with your poster code and display your poster by screen sharing.
  3. It is advisory for all poster presenters to send their poster files to the MSAT-11 conference secretariat by upload in the Poster Submission System updated on 27 Aug. 22 between 17 – 25 August 2022 in order that the posters will be displayed in the conference website prior to and during the conference days.
  4. Poster specification:
    4.1 All poster files must be one page only.
    4.3 Poster file format must be .jpeg or .jpg.
    4.3 File size must not exceed 25 MB.
    4.4 Poster size must be 80 cm (height) x 120 cm (width) (A0 in horizontal).

All presentations in both the oral and the poster sessions are subject to legal protection. Accordingly, any action of copy for re-use is prohibited.