Guideline to identify and register foams containing PFAS in The Provision of Service for: Survey and registration of firefighting foam containing PFOS, PFOA and PFHxS in Thailand
Guideline to identify and register foams containing PFAS in The Provision of Service for: Survey and registration of firefighting foam containing PFOS, PFOA and PFHxS in Thailand
Materials Informatics & AI for safe (material) circulation: Phase 1 Plastics value network
The Provision of Service for: Survey and registration of EPS containing HBCD in Thailand
MTEC Activities in Collaboration Action for Single-Use Plastic Prevention in Southeast Asia (CAP-SEA) CAP-SEA is a regional project embracing Thailand, Malaysia and Indonesia as the implementing locations. The project is managed by Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH (GIZ), Thailand and supported by the Federal Ministry of the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU), Germany. The action in Thailand has been collaborated by several organizations, including MTEC and National Science and Technology Development Agency (NSTDA). CAP-SEA project aims to promote the reduction of single-use plastics (SUP) with a suitable business model and, at the same time, foster innovation and improve capacity building. The project duration is January 2020 – March 2023. For the project in Thailand, the Steering Committee (SC) is chaired by NSTDA while Thailand Environment Institute (TEI) represents as the Project Secretary of the SC. The major role and responsibility of the SC is to establish the overall goal, objectives and implementation framework of the CAP-SEA project in alignment with the policy and supportive measures to drive Thailand’s BCG Economy. MTEC has pledged its contributions in 2 key work packages as follows: CE policy and framework – to support the development of a CE policy recommendations that align with sustainable development and Plastic Waste Management Roadmap with a comprehensive analysis of impacts in all dimensions based on scientific data. CE product guidelines or design standards – to develop an appropriate practice for business proprietors and product designers on product life extension, plastic waste reduction and material circularity maximization. source: https://www.mtec.or.th/annual-report2021/en/conference_en/
Promoting design for circular economy for sustainable use of resources Objective develop and enhance the capabilities ofindustrial entrepreneurs in applying CE principles in their design processes. Funding Agency Department of Primary Industries and Mines (DPIM), Ministry of Industry (MOI) Project Duration Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo. EN-เศรษฐกิจโลก ที่ผ่านมาพัฒนาขึ้นบนพื้นฐานของเศรษฐกิจเส้นตรง (Linear Economy) ที่ ผลิต-ใช้-กำจัด การออกแบบจึงไม่ได้คำนึงถึงการคงคุณค่า หรือ ผลกระทบต่อสิ่งแวดล้อมและสังคมที่อาจเกิดขึ้นตลอดวัฏจักรชีวิต (Life Cycle) ของผลิตภัณฑ์ ส่งผลให้ใช้ทรัพยากรไม่คุ้มค่า และ ปริมาณขยะหรือของเสียทั่วโลกเพิ่มขึ้นอย่างต่อเนื่อง การคิดใหม่/การออกแบบใหม่ (Rethink/Redesign) จึงเป็นปัจจัยสำคัญในการขับเคลื่อนเศรษฐกิจหมุนเวียน (Circular Economy) ที่ทั่วโลกให้ความสำคัญ เพื่อก่อให้เกิดรูปแบบการผลิตและการบริโภคอย่างยั่งยืน กรมอุตสาหกรรมพื้นฐานและการเหมืองแร่ (กพร.) กระทรวงอุตสาหกรรม ในฐานะที่เป็นหน่วยงานหลัก ในการจัดหาและบริหารจัดการวัตถุดิบ จึงได้ริเริ่ม โครงการส่งเสริมการออกแบบตามหลักการเศรษฐกิจหมุนเวียน (Design for Circular Economy) เพื่อการใช้ทรัพยากรอย่างยั่งยืน โดยได้มอบหมายให้ เอ็มเทค เป็นที่ปรึกษาดำเนินโครงการ โดยมุ่งหวังให้ผู้ประกอบการที่เข้าร่วมโครงการนำหลักการเศรษฐกิจหมุนเวียนมาประยุกต์ใช้ในการออกแบบและร่วมกันเป็นส่วนหนึ่งในการผลักดันให้ไทยบรรลุเป้าหมายทิศทางการพัฒนาประเทศเพื่อให้ไทยมีเศรษฐกิจหมุนเวียนและสังคมคาร์บอนต่ำ Intensive Course Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo. Intensive Course Date Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo. Program Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo. VDO Clip Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo. News Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo. xxx Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
Development of Testing Techniques for rapidly screening the presence of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) in manufactured products and in surface water Objective Develop Machine Learning-assisted material analysis techniques to rapidly screen the presence of emerging pollutants (persistent organic pollutants (POPs) (eg. PCBs, PCNs, SCCPs, PFOS, PFOA), and Phthalates Esters (PAE) in media of interest Policy recommendation on managinghazardous chemical Funding Agency NSTDA(government budget) Project Duration August 2018 to December 2020 The project developed multiple techniques to rapidly detect the presence of emerging pollutants namely PCBs, PCNs, SCCPs, PFOS, PFOA, and Phthalates Esters (PAEs)) in EOL plastics, neat oils, waste oils, chlorinated paints and sealants, and PFAS in surface water. Using the newly developed test methods, the project found wide spread of PAEs and chlorinated paraffins (CPs) used in soft plastics and paints, trace of PFAS in surface water, and evidence of plastics containing legacy additives being recycled into new products. A series of trainings were organized to raise public awareness on chemicals in products and to disseminate knowledge about good practice to manage substances of very high concerns (SVHC) in products and to communicate SVHC information to customers along supply chain to industrial firms in EEE and automotive industry.
The Enabling Activities to Review and Update the National Implementation Plan for the Stockholm Convention on POPs Objective Setup/review coordination mechanism and raise awareness Inventories of 15 new POPs and review ofinitial 12 POPs National capacities assessment and prioritysetting for management of new POPs NIP formulation, endorsement, and submissions Funding Agency United Nations Industrial DevelopmentOrganization (UNIDO) Project Duration April 2018 to March 2020 Thailand ratified the Stockholm Convention (SC) on Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) on 31 January 2005. The Convention initially included 12 chemical substances or groups of substances listed in 3 Annexes; Annex A for elimination, Annex B for restriction, and Annex C for the reduction of the unintentional production. Initially, there were 9 substances listed in Annex A, one substance (DDT) in Annex B, and 4 substances listed in Annex C. The Conference of Parties (COPs) of the SC has gradually added new POPs into the lists. As of 2019, the SC has 1ุ6 more POPs substances: 15 substances to Annex A and 1 substance to Annex B; and 3 substances to Annex C. According to Article 7 of the SC, parties are required to review and update their NIPs in the manner specified by the decision of the COP. Thailand has compiled its first POPs inventory in 2006. Based on information gained from the first inventory report, the Thai government had developed and implemented its National Implementation Plan (NIP) to fulfill its obligations under the Convention. Since the last study was completed more than 10 years ago, an update of POPs inventory is required to better reflect current situations as well as new knowledge accumulated over the years. NSTDA by MTEC was tasked to review and update national POPs inventories to cover 15 new POPs substances listed under the SC up until 2019 (excl. SCCP), conduct national capacity assessment and priority setting for management of the new POPs, and formulate the updated NIP.
Building bilateral cooperation in the design for circularity (De4CE) and the evaluation of assessment schemes for post-consumer plastics Objective 1. To improve capacity of stakeholders in Thailand’s plastic value network to apply design for circularity concept to the management of postconsumer plastics 2. To assess the current status of plastic wastes and post-consumer plastics VN in Thailand 3. To analyze national & international frameworks and standards related to Post consumer recycled plastics Funding Agency Ministry of Higher Education, Science, Research and Innovation, Thailand Project Duration March 2021 to February 2022 The current global demand for more sustainable plastic products and the need for circular solutions to manage end-of-life (EOL) plastics from all parties involved have greatly influenced the plastic industry in Thailand to adapt quickly. However, most of the stakeholders in Thailand’s plastic VN still require knowledge and capability enhancement especially in circular design concept for plastic products to be competitive at the global level. Therefore, MTEC, as the main project’s executor, in collaboration with LiU have organized an intensive design course on “Designing Plastic Products in Circular Economy” in June 2021 which attracted more than 150 participants from across the plastic value network (VN). Organizing this course also offers MTEC and LiU working team to build up and strengthen their network with the relevant stakeholders in the Thai plastic VN for further collaborations. Moreover, MTEC has reviewed national & international frameworks aimed towards Post Consumer Recyclates (PCRs) quality in key global markets, and evaluated relevant standards for the assessment of recycling facilities and traceability of PCRs in Thailand. MTEC is also conducting a preliminary survey for baseline (technical) capability of secondary plastic value network and the associated PCR quality as well as the different PCR processing practices and value chains. The project’s outputs lead to policy recommendation for an efficient circulation of plastics (packaging) and recommendation to improve quality of locally produced PCRs. Event: Intensive Design Course Designing Plastic Products for Circular Economy Agenda 6 days during 1 – 23 June 2021 Program Click link Selected VDO Plastics – Complexity & Recyclability AspectsDr.Asira Fuongfuchat (MTEC) The Global Drive towards Plastic Circular EconomyDr.Nudjarin Ramungul (MTEC) Circular Economy by Service Design ThinkingMr.Waritthi Teeraprasert (CEA) Plastic Recycling Practice – materials technology aspectsDr.Witchuda Daud (MTEC) Plastic Recycling Practice – experiences, challenges & opportunitiesMrs.Phimphan Choojaem (Global Plasts Center Co., Ltd.) PR MTEC, Creative Economy Agency (Public Organization) (CEA), and Linköping University, Sweden had organized a workshop on “Designing Plastic Products in Circular Economy”