Guideline to identify and register foams containing PFAS in The Provision of Service for: Survey and registration of firefighting foam containing PFOS, PFOA and PFHxS in Thailand FacebookfacebookLINEline
Guideline to identify and register foams containing PFAS in The Provision of Service for: Survey and registration of firefighting foam containing PFOS, PFOA and PFHxS in Thailand FacebookfacebookLINEline
Materials Informatics & AI for safe (material) circulation: Phase 1 Plastics value network FacebookfacebookLINEline
The Provision of Service for: Survey and registration of EPS containing HBCD in Thailand FacebookfacebookLINEline
MTEC Activities in Collaboration Action for Single-Use Plastic Prevention in Southeast Asia (CAP-SEA) CAP-SEA is a regional project embracing Thailand, Malaysia and Indonesia as the implementing locations. The project is managed by Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH (GIZ), Thailand and supported by the Federal Ministry of the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU), Germany. The action in Thailand has been collaborated by several organizations, including MTEC and National Science and Technology Development Agency (NSTDA). CAP-SEA project aims to promote the reduction of single-use plastics (SUP) with a suitable business model and, at the same time, foster innovation and improve capacity building. The project duration is January 2020 – March 2023. For the project in Thailand, the Steering Committee (SC) is chaired by NSTDA while Thailand Environment Institute (TEI) represents as the Project Secretary of the SC. The major role and responsibility of the SC is to establish the overall goal, objectives and implementation framework of the CAP-SEA project in alignment with the policy and supportive measures to drive Thailand’s BCG Economy. MTEC has pledged its contributions in 2 key work packages as follows: CE policy and framework – to support the development of a CE policy recommendations that align with sustainable development and Plastic Waste Management Roadmap with a comprehensive analysis of impacts in all dimensions based on scientific data. CE product guidelines or design standards – to develop an appropriate practice for business proprietors and product designers on product life extension, plastic waste reduction and material circularity maximization. source: https://www.mtec.or.th/annual-report2021/en/conference_en/ FacebookfacebookLINEline