The National Metal and Materials Technology Center (MTEC) is a research institute with missions in conformity with the Thailand’s National Strategic Plan and the National Science and Technology Development Agency’s Strategic Plan. MTEC focuses on conducting research, development and innovation with its excellence in academia and relevance for the target users, thus creating a sustainable impact to socio-economy. The technology and research s-curves is used as a tool for planning and managing research, thus building the working linkage, and delivering the coherence in works with various important dimensions, i.e., output, outcomes, and impact, or O–O-I coherence.
During the fiscal year 2020, MTEC’s main outputs can be summarized as follows.
Research, Development, and Innovation
MTEC focuses on producing the works that meet the requirement of 5 Domains of Utilization, i.e., Manufacturing and Engineering Services Industry, Safety and Quality of Life, Health and Wellness, Agro-based Industry, and Agriculture. In addition, the outputs from the Energy Research Group, the Technology and Informatics Institute for Sustainability, and the Rail and Modern Transport Group are recognized since they are pertinent to NSTDA’s Technology Development Groups (TDGs), National Quality Infrastructure (NQI) and Focus Center’s delivery plans, respectively.

MTEC submitted the following academic outputs:
- 101 articles in international peer-reviewed journals with impact factors (11 of which were published in journals carrying impact factors of 5 or more)
- 112 intellectual property claims which include 61 patent applications, 46 petty patent applications and 5 trade secrets and received 66 intellectual property registrations, which included 58 patent applications and 8 petty patent applications.
- 15 prototypes for commercial/public utilizations
Outputs in business development and technology transfer
MTEC encourages close relation between its research and business development teams and the government and private sectors in order to utilize the research outputs in the industry and the general public. The key outputs are the following:
- 6 commercial uses of the intellectual properties
- 20 technologies transferred to 23 organizations for public uses
- 56 projects are delivered, encompassing joint researches, contracts, consulting and standard testing service to government and private sectors
Building of research networks and partnerships
MTEC has collaborated with various domestic and oversea research institutes in order to promote technological progress, share know-hows and exchange and train research personnel. These were 25 agreements signed with 19 oversea research institutes from 10 countries and other 5 agreements signed with 5 domestic institutes.
Outputs in developing personnel for materials technology
MTEC organized the following activities:
- Academic conference 6 conferences 462 participants or 855 man-day
- General seminars and workshops 19 seminars and workshops 671 participants or 879 man-day.
- Specialized seminars and workshops 16 seminars and workshops 386 participants or 984 man-day.
- Science events for children and youth 3 events 550 participants or 3,126 man-day.
Scholarships 12 doctorate degrees 12 master’s degrees Under the program, “Thailand Graduate Institute of Science and Technology (TGIST)”

MTEC’s personnel
MTEC’s personnel comprises 487 employees grouped by position and education level as follows:

Income and socio-economic impacts
Combined income of 147.3 million baht is as follows.