MTEC places importance on industrial standards by collaborating with various institutions. The implementation of these standards would help support the industrial sector and other agencies in the country to reduce trade barriers caused by standard-related measures.
Participation in the process of establishing standards
Since MTEC has researchers who have expertise in various fields of materials technology, it is invited by various institutions to send representatives to join technical committees and subcommittees on standardization. During the 2020 fiscal year, MTEC researchers have participated as members of the following groups:
• Thai Industrial Standards (TIS 3011-2562) of rubber flooring for the visually impaired
Rubber Engineering Solution and Standard Research Team of Innovative Rubber Manufacturing Research Group had participated in the standard working group to create a rubber flooring standard draft for the visually impaired. The research team had specified the rubber flooring specification for the visually impaired, such as caution and instruction to be followed with the law, which would help entrepreneurs to produce standardized and good-quality rubber flooring, as well as create credibility and increase industry competitiveness. The Ministry of Industry had issued an industrial standard of rubber flooring for the visually impaired as TIS 3011-2562.

• Thai Industrial Standards (TIS 816-2556) of Polyethylene Resin
Plastic Product Development Research Team of Material Processing and Manufacturing Automation Research Group had participated in the drafting academic committee of the industrial product standards for Polyethylene Resin. This standard covers pure polyethylene resin with initial additives that define its general characteristics, such as physical and security characteristics, packaging, physical code, sampling and criteria, testing, and trademark, and can be adapted to be applied in various fields. The Ministry of Industry had issued an industrial standard for Polyethylene Resin as TIS 816-2556.
• The drafting academic committee of the aluminum foil industrial products and aluminum industrial products standard for food safety
Aluminum Processing and Manufacturing Research Team of Material Processing and Manufacturing Automation Research Group had participated in an academic committee to give technical comments on a standard draft of the aluminum foil industrial products and aluminum industrial products for food safety. The research team had gained valuable perspectives from various government agencies, as well as created networks related to the industry.
• The standard drafting team of Thai zinc plating industry
Production and Maintenance Technology Research Team of Rail Systems and Modern Transportation Center had participated in the standard drafting team of Thai zinc plating industry. At present, Thailand has no international standard for plating, thus it adheres to international plating standards, such as ASTM, JIS, and ISO. Drafting the standard for the zinc plating industry, therefore, has objectives to create a standard for business operators and users, as well as determine the specification of workpieces and create understanding about zinc plating, its characteristics, repair methods, pond standards, and solutions to the problems in order to reduce the conflict between the employer and suppliers, and help create products with international quality.