Sintering of 304L stainless steel and secondary processes to improve corrosion resistance


Standard Units Supply (Thailand) Co., Ltd. (SUS) would like to improve its compaction and sintering process for higher corrosion resistance. Before co-researching with MTEC, SUS had been consulting with other specialists in Thailand and oversea. However, the corrosion resistance could not be improved as SUS required.

The research team analyzed the sintered parts and the process and found that the sintering and secondary processes are not suitable. A total of 21 processing routes were designed and evaluated at a laboratory scale in MTEC to identify the optimum processing route. Eventually, SUS and MTEC implemented the processing route that provided the highest corrosion resistance at a pilot scale and an industrial scale at SUS.

As a result, SUS has commercially using the proposed sintering and secondary processes on November 1, 2016. Since then, the sales have been continuously increased, with no claimed products. It should be noted that the chosen process does not produce waste water.

This research project has been evaluated for NSTDA’s economic impact for 4 years (Fiscal years 2017-2020). For the fiscal year 2020, the economic impact is valued at 336 million THB. SUS does not wish to file a patent but allowed the research team to published some of the results in an SCI international journal with impact factor (Moonchaleanporn et al., 2019, Int. J. Materials and Product Technology, Vol. 59, No. 2, pp.172–191).

Research team

Dr. Anchalee Manonukul and Smart Alloys and Manufacturing Research Team

> Commercial Prototype