A statistical software application for controlling the metal production in foundry industry


> Commercial Prototype

The metal foundry industry has been producing various parts to support many engineering works, such as those in the automotive industry, mechanical parts in manufacturing industry, and electronic components and equipment in electronical an electronic engineering industries. Most industries had analyzed the data from their production processes using statistical methods to increase their productivity. However, some entrepreneurs still lack knowledge and understanding about how to apply the data to monitor and control their production process, which can lead to low-quality manufacturing.

The implementation of a statistical software application based on the use of a control chart to monitor and control the production process of the foundry industry is a technique for analyzing the work process so as to avoid the occurrence of problems and wastes. This statistical software application also helps reduce the production cost.

In theory, the statistical analysis consists process of 4 steps, as follows.
1. Identifying for various factors that can affect the production process by using metallurgical knowledge.
2. Calculating the control limits based on the data obtained from the production process.
3. Gathering the data to plot in the control chart.
4. Analyzing the finished data and detecting any abnormalities.

This software application provides an algorithm for detecting the fragmentation of the abnormal data. If there are any abnormalities, the operators will detect them and find the way to improve their production process.

Main picture screen of the control chart showing the abnormality of the co-data.
Control chart warning the abnormality of the data.

After testing the software application in various stimulations and gaining feedback from the users, the research team had improved its system to meet the users’ satisfaction, as well as expanded this technology to the automotive parts and aluminum industries.

At present, the research team had sold this statistical software application’s license to Sangrompo Autopart Co., Ltd, and wished to spread the number of users in the near future.

Research team

Sompob Phetchcrai Aluminum Processing and Manufacturing Research Team