Global Power Synergy Public Company Limited (GPSC)


Global Power Synergy Public Company Limited (GPSC) was established on January 10, 2013, as a subsidiary company of PTT Public Company Limited. The company is determined to be the mainstay in the power business operation and the public assistance of PTT power groups. Its policy is to operate a sustainable business by building confidence among the stakeholders, generating positive outcomes, continuously developing the organization, creating transparency business, as well as being responsible for the society and environment to be in line with its sustainability management and international standards.

Mr. Laksanapreecha Krutkuntode, Senior Vice President of New Technology, said that GPSC is the mainstay of PTT power business innovation and had been entrusted to cooperate and invest with 24M Technologies, Inc., the US Company that engaged in the research and development of lithium-ion batteries. The developed lithium-ion batteries are to be used as a storage system for the industrial sectors and provide the stability of the power distribution system and its connection. The company had also expected to apply Semi-Solid technology, a new innovative manufacturing process of lithium-ion, to establish a manufacturing plant based in Thailand, which will be beneficial for Thai engineers and researchers in the future.

In the beginning, the company planned to study the feasibility of Semi-Solid technology before the production process begins and tested the use of energy storage with other PTT’s subsidiary companies to get responses and recommendations for further development and analysis. Later, if there is sufficient demand and the production costs are competitive, the company will expand this technology to the external markets, as well as apply it to the electric vehicles’ batteries. In 2019, the company had established a prototype battery factory and expected to start its production in 2021.

MTEC research team had given the company very good suggestions,
as well as provided its employees the trainings
for fundamental knowledge, the applications of the technology,
and the determination of the exact cause of problems.
The trainings were well-received by the employees.

The company had cooperated with MTEC on the battery development because MTEC is well-equipped with various tools and equipment, and the research team leader, Dr. Pimpa Limthongkul, Principal Researcher of Energy Storage Technology Research Team, Energy Innovative Research Group, had previously been worked with 24M Technologies, Inc. The company had also set up an engineering team to receive technology transfer from 24M Technologies, Inc., as well as prepared its personnel, the tools and equipment for the cooperation with MTEC research team.

Mr. Suthipoom Pumhirun, Business Development Manager, said that MTEC research team had given the company very good suggestions, as well as provided its employees the trainings for fundamental knowledge, the applications of the technology, and the determination of the exact cause of problems. The trainings were will-received by the employees.

The company greatly appreciates working with MTEC
and the results are in line with its plan and specified time.

Since the company had transferred the technology from 24M Technologies, Inc., thus, in the long-term, the company should acquire fundamental knowledge and core technologies. In case of unfamiliar problems, the company would have to cooperate with MTEC or other experts to find a solution.

Mr. Laksanapreecha Krutkuntode said that Lithium-ion batteries produced with Semi-Solid technology are highly safe because of the design of battery cells and the careful control of the manufacturing process. It has readily recyclable structures and materials, and the manufacturing process is a process-based technology, which can be further developed by modifying materials and designs.

The company greatly appreciates working with MTEC and the results are in line with its plan and specified time. Although the company had adjusted the operation plan from time to time, the research team was flexible enough to support and had made the cooperation came out smoothly.

Lastly, Mr. Laksanapreecha Krutkuntode said that during the establishment of Map Ta Phut prototype factory, the company will perform a number of research activities, therefore, it plans to reduce the redundant investment in tools and equipment, as well as provides more personnel support for work expansion in the future.

MTEC team: Dr. Vituruch Goodwin (Researcher) Green Fuel and Chemistry Research Team Dr. Priew Eiamlamai (Researcher), Dr. Ukrit Sahapatsombut (Researcher) and Dr. /Pimpa Limthongkul (Principal Researcher) Electrochemical Materials and System Research Team